The Mission

THE MISSION of  Faithbridge is to be a community who actively follow Jesus.  

We  fulfill the mission  by intentionally striving to love God and love others more each day.
We believe that love is contagious and ultimately the greatest power to change the human heart and the world.
We also believe that living our faith in community is essential.
We invite you to be a part of the mission. 

We Believe...

…that the goal of church is not to make people more religious but to help people fall more in love with God and therefore become more fully human.
…that people matter to God--all people. God would have us see all people the way he sees them and treat all people with dignity, love and a servant’s heart.
…that grace comes first. Grace trumps rules every time. Grace is the unearned love, honesty, and compassion that God freely gives and shows us in Jesus. It’s how Jesus saves us, heals us, sets us free, and increases our capacity for love.
…in the Bible as our first authority.  We believe that the Bible is inspired by God and written down by people in their context of time, geography and experience. The Bible is to be our guide in our structure as a congregation, our teaching, and the foundation of our individual lives.  God speaks to us primarily as we listen through scripture, and alongside scripture, God speaks to us through our traditions, reason, and experience. The Bible contains everything necessary for salvation, but we do not worship the Bible, and our faith is not based solely on the Bible. Our faith is based on the event that the Gospels point to—the death and resurrection of Jesus.  
…that sin is real. The Bible describes sin as “missing the mark” which describes the reality that things are not as they should be in individuals, families, communities, organizations and the world. Generally speaking, we are self-obsessed, broken, fearful, and oppressive. Sin is seen in our actions and inactions. It can only be pardoned or forgiven by God alone. This pardon is the freely given grace of God through the acts of Jesus Christ.
…that we “should not make it difficult” for people to follow Jesus.  As evidenced in Acts 15, we believe  we should work to remove barriers, and certainly not create any!
…that spiritual practices of prayer, reading the Bible, fasting, and tithing are vital to our faith.
…that life is meant to be done together.  We need one another to encourage us, challenge us, pray with and for us, serve alongside us, and hold us accountable.  This happens when we regularly join with a group of others and commit to being there for one another. Whether single, married, divorced or widowed, it’s better to follow God with friends than it is alone.
…that we must reach out to people and not wait for people to come to us.  One of the most powerful words in the New Testament is the word “Go” (Matthew 28:19).  We are to be actively going and inviting, going to seek, going to serve people.
…that unity is more important than uniformity.  We can see things differently, interpret scripture differently, have different ways of perceiving the movement of the Holy Spirit, have differing political views but still be on the same mission together.  
…that living sacrificially is the key to fulfillment (and fun!).
…that we should be mission-driven, not issue-driven. That mission is to be a community who actively follow Jesus.
…that being United Methodist is a good thing!  It gives us a rich history, theology, mission, and connection.  Being methodical in living out our faith is also a good thing. You don’t have to be United Methodist to come here, and you don’t have to become United Methodist to belong here.
…that the church must be ancient and modern at the same time. Culturally relevant and modern while honoring our rich heritage and history of our local church, and the universal church.
…it’s essential that we always be outwardly focused.
…it’s OK to not be OK.  There’s no need to fake it—and our weaknesses can become our strengths.
…that partnership is power.  We will create strategic partnerships with other churches, organizations, and agencies to live out our mission. We partner with those doing missions well, rather than duplicate it.
…that real love, lived out, is more contagious than pink eye.
…that curiosity, exploring and creating are an essential part of the faith journey.
…that art, in its many forms, is one of the most powerful voices of our creative God.
…that following Jesus makes us unapologetic optimists.